Degree in Architecture from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and the National School of Architecture of Grenoble. France. Professional experience in architecture offices of Grenoble, in the Council of Architecture, Planning and Environment District Isere, France, and volunteering in several civil associations in France and Mexico, have in common the interest in the use of materials with low environmental impact and high energy efficiency of architectural projects.
Complemented his academic education with a Master in Management and Environmental Audits by the European University Miguel de Cervantes, Spain, strengthening its contributions to the Environmental Management System of Higher Technological Institute of El Grullo Committee, an institution where he served as a teacher and coordinator of the degree in Architecture. He is a founding partner of Ecolocalli A.C., whose scope is community development and collaborated in the participatory sustainable housing project for the indigenous community of Ayotitlán, in the Sierra de Manantlán. He has channeled his social activism through the coordination of collective Green Shadow, crystallized in the city of El Grullo in 2010 on the issue of preservation of urban trees, later extended its range to promoting inclusive urban mobility , social cohesion and consumption of local products, as vectors of sustainable local development. She is currently Director of Area of Architecture, Design and Construction of the University Sustainable Environment.